Wanting your product to sell itself? The initial impression is crucial. We focus on two key elements: your value proposition and your first-use experience.
Our value proposition research traces your buyer's complete journey, starting from their first realisation of a problem. For first-use research, we identify relevant potential customers who match your target audience and observe their genuine interactions with your app or website.
“The results have been astounding – a massive uptick.”
James Atkey, COO of Tailfin
Improving ecommerce conversion for a premium bike accessories brand.
We helped an online sleep school startup to explore alternative pricing models
We've also run buyer analysis for:
Huggg | Simple Online Pharmacy | Tutorful | Exactly.ai | Prolific | The Office Group
We help you to re-articulate your value proposition so that it resonates deeply with customers and uses a language that they can understand.
In addition to defining your value prop, our copywriting partner can help you to expand customer-centric copy across your touchpoints.
Time to value is increasingly important as digital products and services become increasingly commoditised. We'll identify major blockers that stand between people arriving on your site or app and fully experiencing the value you can provide.
The same individual can embody multiple personas in different moments. A gourmet chef may still need to make a sandwich in a hurry. Though exploring your customers' jobs to be done, we can help you make sense of moments and behaviours that are most relevant to your product or service.
We're not afraid to talk about money in our research. A value proposition must result in someone paying for your thing. We're particularly good at using qualitative techniques to work out how much people might pay for something that's very new, before there's enough customers to research this quantitatively.